

"Ví không có cảnh đông tàn, Thì đâu có cảnh huy hoàng ngày xuân; Nghĩ mình trong bước gian truân, Tai ương rèn luyện tinh thần thêm hăng"


"Nếu chúng ta biết rằng chúng ta đang làm gì, thì công việc đó đã không còn được gọi là nghiên cứu."

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.


“Hãy luôn sống khao khát, hãy luôn sống dại khờ”

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 10, 2013

Con cáo và con báo - Giá trị thực

Một lần nọ, các và báo cãi nhau xem ai đẹp hơn. Báo khoe từng cái đốm trên khắp bộ da của mình. Còn cáo vốn tự hào về trí khôn của nó hơn là vẻ ngoài, sau cùng đã cắt ngang sự khoe khoang của báo bằng một câu nói thế này :
- Có nói gì thì nói, tỗi vẫn đẹp hơn anh nhiều, tôi không chỉ có vẻ đẹp bên ngoài, mà vẻ đẹp của tôi còn thể hiện qua trí tuệ của tôi nữa kia.
Bài học : Giá trị thực sự của con người quan trọng hơn vẻ ngoài của anh ta.

Con Chồn Bạch - Bản chất vẫn là bản chất

Chồn bạch thích chàng thanh niên đẹp trai, cầu xin Thần Ái Tình biến nó thành cô gái đẹp. Thần bèn hóa thân nó thành một cô gái kiều diễm. Chàng thanh niên thoạt nhìn đã xiêu lòng, dẫn cô gái về nhà. Khi hai người ở trong phòng, Thần Ái Tình muốn biết tình yêu có làm nó thay đổi tính nết hay không, Thần bèn thả chuột ra giữa phòng.
Chồn Bạch quên phắt nó đang ở dạng người vội vồ lấy chuột, cắn xé nó. Thần giận chồn bèn cho nó trở lại hình dạng cũ.
Bài học : có những kẻ xấu xa, dù đã thay đổi hình dạng nhưng tâm địa không thay đổi

Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 9, 2013


personality : cá tính, lịch thiệp
get on : hòa thuận
sense of humour : vui tính, hài hước
pain : đau khổ
be a pain in the neck : bị chọc tức
kind : tốt bụng

1. Tony isn't very sensitive. He's always saying the wrong thing.
2. Mark's so aggressive. He keeps getting into fights.
3. Simon's very thoughful. He's always buying me little presents.
4. He's so absent- minded. He keeps  forgetting where he's put things.
5. Joe isn't very self-confident. He's always worrying about what people think of him.
6. He's so vain. He's always looking in the mirror.

1. I think Mark took some money from my bag while we were out.
> No, he's far too honest to do a thing like that.
2. I'm still waiting for Lisa to say sorry for sending that fax to the wrong address. 

> You'll wait a long time ! Lisa's much too proud to admit anything's her fault.
3. Jenny left a window open when she went out this morning. Anybody could've got in.
> Are you sure it was Jenny. She's far too sensible to do anything like that. 
4. Apparently, Amy asked Tom if he'd like to go out tomorrow night.
> I don't believe you. She's far too shy to ask a boy out !
5. Julie got the highest mark in the class, but she didn't say a word.
> No, she wouldn't. She's far too modest to say anything about it.
6. I thought Martin was a good friend but he's been telling everybody that I'm boring.
> Are you sure ? Martin's much to loyal to say something like that behind your back.

- generous >< mean
ex : Tom's really generous. He bought everyone in the pub a drink last night.
>< Don't expect Tom to put any money in the collection. He's much too mean.
- hard-working >< lazy
ex : Claire's very hard-working. She never leaves the office until after 6 o'clock.
>< I can't believe Emma's husband's so lazy. He just sits and watches TV all evening.
- outgoing >< shy
ex : Tina's very out-going. She's made friends with everybody else in the class already.
>< Bruno's so shy. I don't think he's spoken to any of the other student yet.
- easy-going >< tense
ex : Brian's a very easy-going sort of guy. Nothing seem to worry him.
>< Lucy's very tense. She's always worring about something or other.
- cheerful ><miserable
ex : Jack's such a cheerful little boy. I've never seen him in a bad mood.
>< I don't understand why he's so miserable. He never stops complaining.

Bad characters
1. Lucy never thinks about anyone but herself.
> Yes, she can be a bit selfish sometimes.
2. Oh, Laura's impossible. One minute life is wonderful and the next minute she's in her room crying.
> Yes, she can be a bit moody, can't she ?
3. I really don't like Bob. He seems to think that he's more important than anybody else.
> He certainly can be very arrogant.
4. Martin's such good fun. He's got a great sense of humour.
> Yes, he can be very amusing at times.
5. I wish Joe would stop playing practical jokes all the time. It gets very tiring.
> Yes, he can be really silly at times. I wish he'd grow up and behave like an adult.
6. I told Emma that she shouldn't leave university but she never listens to me.
> No, she really can be very stubborn when she wants, can't she?

7. How much do you earn in your new job ?
> That's a bit nosey of you! It's none of your business, actually.
8. You can do the washing up while I'm out.
> You can be so bossy at times ! I'm not your slave!
9. Jenny's really upset about what you said.
> She's too sensitive. I was only joking !
10. I can't eat these vegetables. They're been cooked in oil.
> Oh, Don't be so fussy. All you  ever do is complain!

Types of people
1. You shouldn't believe a word Justin says.
    He's a terrible liar.
2. Maria's a terrible gossip. She's always talking about everybody else in  the office.
3. Roberto's quite an extrovent, isn't he?
    He's got hundreds of friends!
4. Martin's such a big-head. He vever stops telling people how wonderful he is.
5. You can't keep running away from your responsibilities. You're such a coward.
6. Just because Dave didn't go to university doesn't mean he's any less intelligent than you. Don't be such a snob.
7. Emma's husband's such a couch potato. He just sits around all day watching TV.
8. Billy knows hundreds of jokes. He's such a laugh!

Negative prefixes
unreliable             dishonest             insensitive
unpleasant           disloyal                intolerant
impatient              immature             unfriendly
indecisive             unambitious         unselfish

Học từ vựng - FEELINGS and EMOTIONS

Vocabulary :
1. I didn't understand any of the questions. I was really confused.
2. A huge dog came running towards me. I was really scared.
3. We're taking the kids to the zoo on saturday. They're really excited.
4. I've got my driving test tomorrow. I'm really nervous.
5. I've been up since half past five. I'm starting to feel really tired.
6. I forgot my Dad's birthday again. I feel so guilty.
7. My Mum and Dad arrived at the club and started dacing. I was so embarrssed.
8. You only say you don't like Steve because you haven't got a boyfriend. You're just jealous.

1. I can't believe I got so drunk. I feel so ashamed.
2. I didn't except the film to be so violent. I was quite shocked by it.
3. Why didn't you phone to say you'd be late? We were very worried.
4. There's a huge spider in the bath. I'm really frightened of them.
5. They talked about computers all evening. I was so bored.
6. I got the results back from the hospital today. They're negative, thank godness! I'm so relieved.
7. When my daughter became a doctor, I was really pleased. I felt so proud.
8. She came home to find we'd organised a big party for her. She was so surprised.

GET + feeling
get a bit tired
get a bit worried
get really excited
get bored
get nervous
get a bit confused
get really jealous
get embarrassed

Extreme feelings
- amzed : kinh ngạc
ex : Did you say you saw people in the sea ?
Yes! In the middle of winter! I was absolutely amazed.
- exhausted : kiệt sức
- stunned : choáng váng
- disgusted : phẫn nỗ 
- horrified : kinh khiếp
ex : Did you read about the murder of that little girl?
Yes, I think the whole country is horrified that that sort of thing can happen.
- terrified : khiếp sợ
ex : You must have been quite frightened when the pilot announced that he was going to land in Kuwait.
I was absolutely terrified. 

Dependent prepositions 
afraid, ashamed, proud, tired     OF
nervous, worry, guilty                ABOUT

I can't be bothered : đừng phiền tôi.
I went bright red : tôi đỏ cả mặt.
I was scared stiff : tôi chết cứng.
I can't wait : tôi không chờ được.
I couldn't believe my eyes : không thể tin vào mắt mình.

Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 9, 2013

Con chiến mã và con lừa - Huy hoàng có thời

Một con chiến mã - đã sẵn sàng ra chiến trường với bộ yên cương lục lạc tuyệt đẹp trên mình - đang phi nước kiệu trên đường, tiếng vó ngựa phi trên đường nghe như sấm dội.
Một con lừa già đáng thương - đồ đạc chất đầy trên lưng - cũng đang chầm chậm bước đi trên con đường đó.
Con chiến mã nói :
- Tránh đường cho ta đi, nếu không ta sẽ giày người xuống đám bụi đường bây giờ!
Con lừa tội nghiệp cuống cuồng tránh đường cho nó, thế là con chiến mã lại tiếp tục phóng đi đầy kêu hãnh.
Không lâu sau, con ngựa bị bắn trúng mắt. Vì không còn phù hợp để phục vụ trong quân đội nữa, nên người ta tháo bộ yên cương và lục lạc của nó ra. Rồi nó bị bán cho một người nông dân, ông ta thường bắt nó phải chở rất nhiều đồ đạc trên lưng.
Không lâu sau, con lừa già ngày nào gặp lại nó và nhận ra nó ngay. Con lừa kêu lên :
- A ha! Có phải là anh đấy không?
Tính tự phụ kêu căng rồi thì cũng có ngày bị sụp đổ mà thôi!